Posts tagged book blogger
Top 10 Book Covers of 2020

Contrary to what we’ve all be taught, it’s totally acceptable to judge a book by its cover. I scoured lists of books released in 2020, carefully observed their cover art, and decided on the top 10 for the year. Were there specific criteria? No. Was it based purely on my personal taste? Likely. Was this a totally objective process? Of course…

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Books I Read in 2019

Last year, I set the unrealistic goal of reading 52 books. I ended the year with 19 checked off my list—although this was way short of my goal, it was actually the most books I had read in a year up until that point. This year, I set a more attainable goal of 30 books, and am happy to announce that I hit this right on the mark! Here is the yearly roundup…

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Spoiler-Free Book Review + GIVEAWAY!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of leading the monthly Barnes & Noble YA Book Club at my local store. The pick of the month was I’m Not Dying With You Tonight by Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal. Now it’s your chance to read this thrilling book because I’m giving away a free copy! Read on to discover how to enter this exciting giveaway.

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Books I Read in 2018

In April, I set an unrealistic goal to read 52 books before the end of the year. I soon learned this was a terrible idea as I was knee deep in wedding planning, working two jobs, and about to start an accelerated master’s program. I changed the goal to 25 books and used my Barnes and Noble employee discount like there was no tomorrow. And oh so quickly, the year is at a close. Let’s see how I lived up to my expectations, shall we?

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