Last year, I set the unrealistic goal of reading 52 books. I ended the year with 19 checked off my list—although this was way short of my goal, it was actually the most books I had read in a year up until that point. This year, I set a more attainable goal of 30 books, and am happy to announce that I hit this right on the mark! Here is the yearly roundup…
Read MoreI told myself I would not buy any more books until I finish reading all the ones I own but have not yet read, but I broke my own promise three days ago to purchase The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. The previews of the upcoming movie peaked my interest, and of course I was even more interested when I discovered it was based on a book series. The books were written for teens, the characters have powers, and it's set in a mildly realistic dystopian society---basically, my favorite type of book.
Read MoreWith a sensational series inevitably comes hours of voracious reading, neglected errands, and days of isolation from the real world. I am a serious sucker for a good Young Adult series, but lack the time necessary to rip through these collections in an efficient manner. As a result, I have not completed many series (though this may be a result of the fact that I insist on re-reading Harry Potter regularly instead of branching out). Regardless, I am delighted to share some of my most binge-worthy YA series to date!
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