Posts tagged harry potter
Harry Potter Wedding Touches

Austin and I are huge Harry Potter nerds, so it should come as no surprise that we had to give our wedding a few magical touches! I knew, however, that I didn't want it to be too over the top---no dress robes for the groomsmen or wands at the ceremony. Just little touches that only a true HP fan would notice. 

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5 Addicting YA Series

With a sensational series inevitably comes hours of voracious reading, neglected errands, and days of isolation from the real world. I am a serious sucker for a good Young Adult series, but lack the time necessary to rip through these collections in an efficient manner. As a result, I have not completed many series (though this may be a result of the fact that I insist on re-reading Harry Potter regularly instead of branching out). Regardless, I am delighted to share some of my most binge-worthy YA series to date!

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