Pregnancy Announcement & First Trimester Recap

If you didn’t pick up the glaring hint in the title of this post…I’m pregnant! Baby Adams is due this November, and we are ecstatic! We found out at the end of February, and I finished up my first trimester at the end of April. I thought I’d write trimester recap posts covering a variety of pregnancy-related topics.

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Honeymoon Cruise | Part III

We hopped off the ship early to get in line for our sailboating excursion. As it turned out, we were the only two people on a boat of over a thousand retirees interested in an afternoon of rigorous rope-pulling and helm-manning. Private sailing lesson? Don’t mind if we do! We boarded the racing sailboat owned by a woman from Britain who relocated to St. Lucia. Her and her assistant, a St. Lucia local, showed us the ropes (literally).

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Books I Read in 2018

In April, I set an unrealistic goal to read 52 books before the end of the year. I soon learned this was a terrible idea as I was knee deep in wedding planning, working two jobs, and about to start an accelerated master’s program. I changed the goal to 25 books and used my Barnes and Noble employee discount like there was no tomorrow. And oh so quickly, the year is at a close. Let’s see how I lived up to my expectations, shall we?

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Honeymoon Cruise | Part II

Early in the morning, our ship arrived at our first destination: St. Croix. We immediately got off the ship to line up for our planned excursion: The Rum Tour. Our small bus drove across the tiny island; we passed miles of ruined buildings that had not yet been repaired following the most recent hurricane that hit the Caribbean islands.

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