Honeymoon Cruise | Part I

Now that final exams are over, I finally have time to blog about the honeymoon cruise Austin and I went on last month! Although we did get married back in May, we decided to wait until November to take our honeymoon because we snagged an awesome deal on a 12-night Southern Caribbean cruise from Royal Caribbean.

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25th Birthday Festivities + Grad School Update

My birthday week has now come to an end, and it was definitely a good one! I’m a quarter-of-a-century old now! I’m mature, I’m wise, I’m the adultiest adult I’ve ever been. And two days after my birthday, I got the best gift of all—I completed my very last final exam of the semester!

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Honeymoon Read + Review | The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This is one of those books that initially intimidated me: it is a “classic”, so I lumped it together with others like The Count of Monte Cristo or The Grapes of Wrath (both of which I was not particularly fond of when I read them in grade school). However, per Macklemore’s suggestion, I thought I would give it a shot.

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Halloween Party Hosting & Bonus Recipes!

Last weekend, Austin and I hosted our first grown-up Halloween party! Note that this is distinctly different from college Halloween parties, and requires a totally different planning strategy. And speaking of, Austin and I first hung out at one of his Halloween parties in 2015! He was Peter Pan, and I showed up as a pirate. Coincidence, or fate?

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Kendra AdamsComment
August Book Haul

Holy moly, it has been busy around here! I’m just finishing week four of grad school, and I feel like I’m running a mile a minute trying to juggle homework, both jobs, and a social life. But I am alive, and what better way to celebrate being alive than with a book haul! So I didn’t think I accumulated too many books in August, that is until I stacked them all up to take photos for this post. I may have a problem, guys.

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Grad School Update

Today is the first day of my graduate program, so I thought I'd give a little update on where I am in my college career. Last summer I was enrolled in an Early Childhood Education master's program through the University of North Dakota. After one semester (my first 4.0 semester in the history of college, I might add! *pats self on back*), I decided that ECE was definitely not the right route.

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