17 Newborn Must-Haves

Now that Lincoln is almost four months old, I feel sufficiently qualified to share my list of newborn must-haves! These are the items that I considered lifesavers during his first couple months of life. Fair warning: all babies are different and what works for my baby definitely will not work for all. Some items are worth buying and trying out for yourself, but definitely do your research before buying the pricier ones.

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Books I Read in 2019

Last year, I set the unrealistic goal of reading 52 books. I ended the year with 19 checked off my list—although this was way short of my goal, it was actually the most books I had read in a year up until that point. This year, I set a more attainable goal of 30 books, and am happy to announce that I hit this right on the mark! Here is the yearly roundup…

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Third Trimester Pregnancy Recap

I decided it was about time I return from my two-month blogging hiatus, as there are some pretty big updates to record! Before I write a proper post introducing my new baby, I first need to finish out my pregnancy updates with a third trimester recap. I wish I could say things improved during these months, but that would be a complete and utter lie.

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October Favorites | 2019

Happy Halloween! I’ve never done a favorites post before, but I figured I’d throw one in this month because there are a handful of things I have been obsessed with over the last few weeks! From beauty products to clothing to home to books, I’ll cover my most-used and most-loved items of the month. Each item is linked below so that you can shop until your heart is content!

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