The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas | An ARC Review


When it comes to reading my stack of advanced copy novels, I've been in a bit of a slump. I would read the first chapter or two as if it were a chore, then move on to the next. This is why it was all the more joyous when I picked up The Cheerleaders and simply could not put it down. 

Five years ago, five cheerleaders died within a month of each other. Two in a car accident, two murdered, and one committed suicide. After a quick investigation, the police pinned the murder on a neighbor; when they entered his home to take him into custody, the suspect allegedly had a gun and police shot him dead. Monica's school wants to hold a service to remember the tragedy five years ago, including the suicide of her older sister, but Monica just wants to forget it all. However, clues are starting to arise hinting that the police got it all wrong.

"Monica's world is starting to unravel. There are the letters in her stepdad's desk; an unearthed, years-old cell phone; a strange new friend at school.... Whatever happened five years ago isn't over. Some people in town know more than they're saying. And somehow, Monica is at the center of it all." 

The whole plot gave me Riverdale vibes (a fantastic series if you have not seen it yet). Also, I've only ever seen a couple episodes via my little sister watching it in the living room, but I think Pretty Little Liars fans would enjoy this book as well. Much of the events leading up to the murders actually seemed plausible, which is a nice change from the usual teenage murder mysteries where fifteen-year-old's seem to drop their everyday routine (school, extracurriculars, family life, etc.) and follow a clue like it's their full-time job. 

The ending did take me by surprise, but was I satisfied? Not entirely. Thomas did a great job of building anticipation leading up to the reveal, but when it actually happened, my emotions plateaued when they were supposed to skyrocket. This could partially be due to the fact that I felt no connection with any other character except Monica. There were just so many supporting characters (I suppose to increase the number of possible suspects), my understanding of their individual personalities, desires, and motives was purely superficial. Without giving anything away, you could say I was a bit like this at the end: 

jennifer aniston friends gif

When I wanted to react like this:

jennifer aniston friends no gif

Regardless of the ending, it was still a well thought out mystery that would fall in my "guilty pleasure literature" category. That is, it was an entertaining quick read, though not necessarily life-changing or a must-read. 

The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas will be released July 31, 2018. Click here to pre-order your copy today.